Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Every Day is Hard By Paula Jarvis

I put on my pedometer today around noon and by 5:30 P.M. had gone a whopping 169 steps. I guess it's official....I'm sedentary. I ate well today and did half of a kickboxing class which kicked my "cl-ass". I'll not say what I drank other than it was very little water and more wine...but didn't Jesus turn the water into wine? I was just getting a headstart.

Anyway, this is fun. I did try the broccoli salad recipe and it was great. Even Greg liked it.


  1. Paula, you completely crack me up! You should be a writer! - Dawn

  2. I only eeked out just over 4,000 steps yesterday and that was because I specifically took a walk after dinner. Not sure I'm ever going to hit 10,000....
